OpenGL ES 1.0 and 1.1 were the first portable mobile graphics APIs, defined relative to the OpenGL 1.#include #include " esUtil. By default, all client-side capabilities are disabled. It remains a prevalent API today, and still is the most widely available 3D graphics API, and remains a solid choice to target the widest range of devices in the market. glEnableClientState and glDisableClientState enable or disable individual client-side capabilities. OpenGL ES 2.0 was the first portable mobile graphics API to expose programmable shaders in the then latest generation of graphics hardware. Linterfaccia consiste in circa 250 diverse chiamate di funzione che si possono usare per disegnare complesse scene tridimensionali a partire da semplici primitive. OpenGL ES 3.0 was another evolutionary step for OpenGL ES, notably including multiple render targets, additional texturing capabilities, uniform buffers, instancing and transform feedback. OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) è una specifica che definisce una API per più linguaggi e per più piattaforme per scrivere applicazioni che producono computer grafica 3D. OpenGL ES 3.1 - Bringing Compute to Mobile Graphicsĭespite being only a bump in the minor revision of the API, OpenGL ES 3.1 was an enormous milestone for the API, as it added the ability to do general purpose compute in the API, bringing compute to mobile graphics.

The latest in the series, OpenGL ES 3.2 added additional functionality based on the Android Extension Pack for OpenGL ES 3.1, which brought the mobile API's functionality significantly closer to it's desktop counterpart - OpenGL.

And when it is, you'll find the OpenGL ES 2.0 documentation at /opengles. Just you have to change your OpenGL ES version to version 2. binary points to precompiled binary shader code in client memory, and binaryformat denotes the format of the pre-compiled code. Each handle refers to a unique shader type (vertex shader or fragment shader). shaders contains a list of n shader object handles.

OpenGL ES API Versions at a Glance OpenGL ES 3.2 - Additional OpenGL functionality opengl-es-v1), you can safely switch to cocos2d 2.0 once it's out. For implementations that support them, glShaderBinary loads precompiled shader binaries.