
Cryptography and network security behrouz
Cryptography and network security behrouz

The problem is, you dont find out until hours later that there WAS an issue.

cryptography and network security behrouz cryptography and network security behrouz

It's loaded with errors and errata and lacks any consise+clear examples Im not speaking of slight errors either, these are formula errors which can throw a 100 step problem right into the circular file in due time. A solid foundation in encoding and encryption at the encoding level (as it assumes you know DISCRETE MATH, and made it through Differenctial Calculus and know a significant amount about a variety of programming languages) In my opinion, you might wish to be BOTH the above if you intend to make real use of the material. NOTE: This book more or less assumes that you are either:Ī Computer Science Graduate with a MAJOR interest in encoding and encryption.Ī math major who would rather discuss the virtues of MOD % in C# or C++ as a past time.

Cryptography and network security behrouz